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Hongkong Daily Press.

Hongkong, Thursday, November 5, 1936.
英壹仟玖佰卅陸年拾壹月伍日 禮拜肆

No. 24404

Page 7


(The Editor, The Hong Kong Daily Press)

   Dear Sir,- In the early part of 1936, at the Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong Branch of the Boy Scouts Association, I took it on myself to appeal for more support from the public, reminding them that if every Scout performed one good deed a day, as a Scout's duty, the sum total for Hong Kong per annum of these good deeds would be about one quarter of a million. During the past year the total of the public subscriptions amounted to about $400.00, a Scout's good deed in the tangible valuation of the public appears, therefore, to be one sixth of one cent!
   I believe that the Scouts in Hong Kong are as well led as those in any other part of the world, and that this great organisation is disseminating principles which are bound to make themselves more and more felt for good as time goes on.
   The Association is badly in need of funds and in a real spirit of self help has prepared a Camp Fire Display on the Hong Kong Cricket Club Ground on Saturday next from 6.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. With diffidence, knowing the many calls made on individuals, I voice the Association's earnest appeal to the public to make this Camp Fire a success.
   Only a small sum is required to enable the Association to enter into the coming year's activities free of debt, but this sum is desperately needed. I beg for interest and support for the loyal and painstaking Commissioner and his Officers at Saturday's Camp Fire so that, with the money raised, Scouting in Hong Kong may yet have a hope of gaining the great position it so surely deserves.

Yours faithfully,

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