Hongkong Daily Press.
Hongkong, Thursday, July 15, 1937.
英壹仟玖佰卅柒年柒月拾伍日 禮拜肆
No. 24617.
Page 1

Lord Baden Powell, the Chief Scout, broadcasting a message to Empire Scouts, read a letter which he said he had just received from the King at Buckingham Palace. It read:-
"The Queen and I are much interested to hear of the home rallies and camp fires organised by the Boy Scouts all over the Empire to celebrate the Coronation.
"We are very grateful for their loyal good wishes and for their kind thought of us. We hope that they will have a happy evening to remind them of the occasion in their years to come.- (Signed) George, King Emperor."
Lord Baden Powell told the scouts how the King had bestowed "on you, and on me as your figurehead, one of the highest honours - namely, the Order of Merit. His Majesty handed it to me," he went on, "at a meeting in his room instead of at the more formal investiture, so that he could talk to me and tell me how pleased he was with the good work done by scouters, and with the keenness and smartness of the Scouts all over the Empire. Well done, the whole bloomin' lot of you!"