Hongkong Daily Press.
Hongkong, Wednesday, July 21, 1937.
英壹仟玖佰卅柒年柒月廿壹日 禮拜叁
No. 24621.
Page 8
The time of the Boy Scout World Jamboree, which is to be held in Holland in August, is gradually drawing near and the lucky Boy Scouts who are to attend are beginning to count the days till the time when they will meet boys from 31 nations.
Apart from having a good time this will be an unusual holiday with a purpose - the purpose of mixing up the nations so that they will get a better understanding of each other and put into practice international friendship.
The Jamboree site, which is in the municipality of Bloemendaal, offers ideal surroundings for fraternisation. It is situated on the portion of land where the sand of the dunes and the post of the lower ground merge. The site is surrounded by extensive bulb fields which, in springtime, are a blaze of colour.
In order to retain a typical Dutch character it is proposed that the various sub camps should be separated by woods, dunes, tracks and ditches, and to leave within the span of the Jamboree, meadows in which cattle will be grazing.
From the site one can see the track of the modern electric trains away through the bulb fields towards Warmond on the Kagerplassen (Lakes). The camp site is about 4 miles S.W. of Haarlem, 3 miles East of the North Sea (which can be reached by a reconstructed road across the dunes), 16 miles West of Amsterdam, and 22 miles N.E. of the Hague. The distance to the Kagerplassen Lakes is about 10 miles.
Most elaborate plans have been carried out to get adequate water supplies for drinking, washing and other necessities. The water to be used in camp will be obtained from the system. Plans were originally conceived to make wells, but it became apparent that the water obtained would be too ferrous. The length of piping for the water system in camp will be over five miles and sunk into the ground in order to keep it cool.
Preparations are also being made by the "camp police" to safeguard the camp from fire, and the Bloemendaal Fire Brigade are giving every assistance in the carrying out of arrangements.
Thirty nine hydrants will be connected to the water system. The fire brigade will have at its disposal four hose trucks, each with 400 metres (776 yards) of hose, as well as a fire engine and a foam gun. About (???) extinguishers will be placed in the wooden buildings, while a watch with hose and hydrant will be on duty in the Theatre.
It is apparent that everything in this gigantic camp will be run on the same Iines as an ordinary town or village and, of course, it cannot be without a Police force. The Police force will consist of 87 Rover Scouts and their chief will be a regular Police Inspector. There will be three watches of 27 men and a staff of 6. The staff men are also Rovers, but belong to the regular Police force. Each watch will be eight hours on duty, and they will wear a red armlet with the words "PoIitie." Police will also be on duty on the beach. The bathing will be under the control of the Lifesaving Brigade.