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The China Mail.

Hong Kong, Friday, July 14, 1950.

No. 34639.
Page 3


Boy Scouts, Girl Guides anniversary

   The 40th anniversary of the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides will be commemorated on Sunday with special parade services at St. John's Cathedral, St. Joseph's Church, St. Andrew's Church, St. Theresa's Church, and other churches.
   The Girl Guides Association in Hong Kong, in a statement yesterday, said that it is hoped that everyone whether or not actively concerned with the Girl Guides will attend one of the parade services.
   Brownies should attend with their parents or with their respective Packs.
   Sunday has a special significance for Guides of the Catholic faith as it is the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel who is the Patron Saint of all Girl Guides.
   Sunday's services will provide an opportunity for all those interested to pray for the extension of the movement's ideal for youth throughout the world.

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