The China Mail.
Thursday, August 1, 1957.
No. 36809
Page 2

Sutton Park, July 31.
Boy scouts from Hongkong, here for the Jamboree to mark the Golden Jubilee of the Boy Scout Movement, today began to settle in to their quarters in the vast park where scouts from all over the world have gathered.
The Hongkong boys arrived last night from London, and today they created a gateway over their section made of bamboo flown specially from their home.
The Jamboree, which also marks the centenary of the birth of its founder Lord Baden Powell, opens tomorrow.
Mr Law Kwan-fook, the leader of the Hongkong contingent and a District Commissioner of Scouts, busy making tea for his scouts, declared: "This is our first trip to England so not only are we greatly impressed with the Jamboree site, but we are also filled with admiration for the British people we have met during our three days in the United Kingdom."
The scouts, who arrived at London Airport last Sunday, have been staying with families in Staines, Feltham, and Ashford, near London. They traveled up the Jamboree by train last night.- Reuter.