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The China Mail.

Tuesday, August 13, 1957.

No. 36819
Page 3



Birmingham, Aug. 12.

   The World Scout Jubilee Jamboree closes at Sutton Park tonight after 12 days of scouting for boys of 84 nations.

   But, according to Mr Ken Stevens, the Organising Commissioner, it is unlikely that a Jamboree as big as this one will ever be held again. The Jamboree has accommodated 34,000 scouts under canvas in an area covering about two and a half square miles.
   Mr Stevens told a press conference: "The chief disadvantage lies in economics.


   "The scouting association of many countries which would prove suitable for a Jamboree would not be able to stand it economically.
   "But we think the advantage of getting a World Jamboree together far outweighs the chances of losing a few pounds sterling.
   "Personally, I am confident that more Jamborees, though not as large as this one, will be held. The Jamborette - a small Jamboree - is good, but it cannot provide the opportunity for the meeting of so many scouts of different nationalities," he added.
   The future of the next World Jamboree will be decided at a meeting of scouting chiefs from almost every scouting country in the world at the International Scouting Conference, which opens in Cambridge tomorrow.


   "I think this Jamboree has been extremely successful," declared Mr Stevens, adding that he had been told by members of nearly every contingent that they had had a "wonderful time".
   "We had hoped to take in £40,000 by the end of the Jamboree and we have had already got that figure the day before yesterday," he said.
   Questioned about an earlier report that the British Scout Association would cover half of the initial outlay figure of £600,000 Mr Stevens replied: "We don't feel too despondent about being able to take in £250,000.
   "The £40,000 has only been vote takings. The souvenir shop has been sold out and then, of course, there are the takings at the Jamboree arena to be considered."- Reuter.

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