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The Hongkong Telegraph.


Friday, November 17, 1916.
香港英十一月十七號 禮拜五

Page 4


The Boy Scouts.

   The letter which we published yesterday, on the subject of the Hongkong Boy Scouts, will surprise no one who has marked, learned and inwardly digested the manners and customs of the Britisher of this delectable Colony. About a year ago, it was announced with a blare of trumpets that some $3,500 had been collected here for the Scouts. A meeting was held, whereat the giant possibilities of the organisation were descanted upon; officers were appointed, the Colony talked- and the next thing we learned was that, with the exception of the St. Joseph's and Kowloon troops, the whole thing had gone to smash. Why was the smash not foreseen by those who gave their countenance to the meeting a year ago? Or else; Why need the smash have come at all? So far as we can see, nothing but the traditional prejudices of Hongkong stood in the way of a successful career for the Wolf Cubs. Flying in the face of the generous socialistic intentions of General Baden Powell, Hongkong decided that it should rather not be mixed up in the movement; and Hongkong's word on any social matter is, needless to say, final. The Wolf Cubs collapsed and only the St. Josephs and Kowloon troops survived. To these we wish all success and a happy issue out of all their afflictions.

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